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 EEjob 29/01/2015.
Echo News.
Social Diary.
Law Society of UCC Annual Dinner, at the Imperial Hotel, Cork.
Kate Murphy, Blarney and Cormac Molloy, Victoria Cross.
Picture. Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 29/01/2015.
Echo News.
Social Diary.
Law Society of UCC Annual Dinner, at the Imperial Hotel, Cork.
Kate Murphy, Blarney and Cormac Molloy, Victoria Cross.
Picture. Jim Coughlan.
© Evening Echo Publications Ltd

EEjob 29/01/2015.
Echo News.
Social Diary.
Law Society of UCC

Annual Dinner, at the Imperial Hotel, Cork.
Kate Murphy, Blarney and Cormac Molloy, Victoria Cross.
Picture. Jim Coughlan.

The Echo,  Linn Dubh,  Blackpool, Cork, Ireland and 80, Oliver Plunkett Street, Cork   Telephone 021 4802208 or 021 4802209