Browse The Echo Photographs > Echo Pics > March 2016 > JC1916TogherCommAssoc03(2)
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 EEjob 25/03/2016
Echo News.
Togher Community Association, 1916 Commemorative Ceremony, in honor of the 1916 Rising, at Togher Community Centre, Togher, Cork.
Kieran O'Connell, Togher Community Association, reading the Proclamation.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 25/03/2016
Echo News.
Togher Community Association, 1916 Commemorative Ceremony, in honor of the 1916 Rising, at Togher Community Centre, Togher, Cork.
Kieran O'Connell, Togher Community Association, reading the Proclamation.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
© Evening Echo Publications Ltd

EEjob 25/03/2016
Echo News.
Togher Community Association, 1916 Commemorative Ceremony,

in honor of the 1916 Rising, at Togher Community Centre, Togher, Cork.
Kieran O'Connell, Togher Community Association, reading the Proclamation.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.

The Echo,  Linn Dubh,  Blackpool, Cork, Ireland and 80, Oliver Plunkett Street, Cork   Telephone 021 4802208 or 021 4802209