Browse The Echo Photographs > Echo Pics > March 2016 > JC1916TogherCommAssoc06(2)
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 EEjob 25/03/2016
Echo News.
Togher Community Association, 1916 Commemorative Ceremony, in honor of the 1916 Rising, at Togher Community Centre, Togher, Cork.
Donal Heffernan, plays the Last Post, during the raising of the Tricolour.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
 EEjob 25/03/2016
Echo News.
Togher Community Association, 1916 Commemorative Ceremony, in honor of the 1916 Rising, at Togher Community Centre, Togher, Cork.
Donal Heffernan, plays the Last Post, during the raising of the Tricolour.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.
© Evening Echo Publications Ltd

EEjob 25/03/2016
Echo News.
Togher Community Association, 1916 Commemorative Ceremony,

in honor of the 1916 Rising, at Togher Community Centre, Togher, Cork.
Donal Heffernan, plays the Last Post, during the raising of the Tricolour.
Picture: Jim Coughlan.

The Echo,  Linn Dubh,  Blackpool, Cork, Ireland and 80, Oliver Plunkett Street, Cork   Telephone 021 4802208 or 021 4802209