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 EEXXjob SPORT 30/05/2017 Sciath na Scol Finals played at Pairc Ui Rinn. Cloghroe v GS Uí Riordáin. GS Uí Riordain prepare priolr to their final against Cloghroe. Picture: Andy Jay 
 Keywords: evening echo, EEXX sport, examiner, Na Sciath na Scol Finals.
 EEXXjob SPORT 30/05/2017 Sciath na Scol Finals played at Pairc Ui Rinn. Cloghroe v GS Uí Riordáin. GS Uí Riordain prepare priolr to their final against Cloghroe. Picture: Andy Jay 
 Keywords: evening echo, EEXX sport, examiner, Na Sciath na Scol Finals.
© Evening Echo Publications Ltd

EEXXjob SPORT 30/05/2017 Sciath na Scol Finals played at Pairc

Ui Rinn. Cloghroe v GS Uí Riordáin. GS Uí Riordain prepare priolr to their final against Cloghroe. Picture: Andy Jay

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